Currently, Jung Ho Travel services to overseas tourists from 7 countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar, Brunei with having 4 local branch offices.
Each local overseas branch offers and promotes tourism products to their countries.
We provide our best service with top quality products.
Since 2002, our establishment, We have been continuously pursuing to develop our service and products in innovation with contribution to Korea inbound tourism industry based on integrity and trust.
We always strive to talk about beautiful Korea by providing the
best services.
We offer theme tours, premium tour packages under the development of tour booking system, not only group tour packages. Our priority is the value of packages to our customers, also we always put our goal to attract repeaters to Korea.
We respect our every each staff’s great personality
We respect every each staff’s great personality in order to create the best teamwork.
Our JHT’s all of the executives and staffers are on plat direction to share opinions and ideas to generate creativity.
We are the company in initiative spirit.
We will not stop our innovative efforts to grow ourselves in global travel market. Our precious experience in the industry will be confident to make our goal as a
global inbound company.